Why You Must Add Restylane Skincare to your Beauty Routine?

Restylane skincare review

Hello Girlfriends!

How’s your weekend? I guess some of you got so excited to packed their bag since Friday night and headed to your oh-so-scheduled weekend trip of the season. And you are so excited coz, you need to reboot from those weeks (or months) of crazy busy stocked in your work office (duh) like you practically live there (hahaha).

And for our friends in the finance area, especially in the taxation and auditing industry – you never know (but hell!) 3rd quarter is the start of a busy life and that means, you are effin lucky to have sleep at least six (6) hours. Tax and Audit are effin serious, so hard to make a jolly of it coz you might end up in trouble, worst behind bars. So take your vacation now, because in the next weeks to come, you’ll be stuck again with your paper works (and your yelling boss).

Restylane skincare review, cat meme


Okay enough for the ugly reality of life.

Let’s head to the most beautiful side!.

Did I mention here previously that we don’t entertain negativity that causes wrinkles and aged us even faster?



Time is something that we can’t bargain, no matter what. That’s why TIME is the most precious commodity.

Have you noticed that time is so fast nowadays?

And yet most of the time we don’t bother… we just ignored it because “hey there is always next TIME.”

And when that moment comes around that we need to give focus on things, we always have this
“Damn, I shouldn’t overlook this back then.”

Yeah, feeling sorry and REGRETS always come after. That feeling of REGRETS that gives us anxiety, stress, and worst lowered our self-esteem… ah can you imagine that?

These feelings make us not like what we see in front of our mirror.

Or should I bluntly say, these feelings make us UGLY! I won’t apologize for that because it’s fucking true.
So why I’m telling you this?

We might be physically young today and for the next couple of years, but we didn’t know that we aged rapidly. If we didn’t take care of ourselves, like not eating balanced foods, not doing some exercise, staying all up late partying, drinking, smoking (and for some partying with drugs) – coz hell yeah we are confident with our given gift.

Here I’m telling you… you are lucky to have that gift… but every gift that is neglected can be stolen, mostly by nature who gave it to you.


I’m just like most of you that have this scary feeling about aging. I am not 100% afraid of the whole general concept of aging, but it does scare me more the part where physically you’ll look different.

So for that reason, I’ve included in my life itinerary that I will search for ways in order to at least slow the effects of aging. I’m now constantly testing the waters and found something.

And I’m happily saying that for the past 14-months I’ve been using Restylane Skincare, I’ve got to say I’m skin looks good and even my colleagues and friends say I haven’t aged a bit (well except intellectually of course, lol).

Restylane skincare review

I started using Restylane skincare last July 2015 right after my Restylane filler treatment on my cheeks and chin. The product was given to me for free as part of my collaboration with Galderma Philippines. A huge shout-out to my Restylane and Galderma Philippines family!

They are freaking AWESOME!

I do my usual cleansing routine every day and night, then add Restylane skincare to my beauty routine.

Restylane skincare review

During day time, I use the Restylane Day Cream (50ml) on my face down to my neck, and Restylane Night Cream (50ml) before going to bed. I’m been doing this for the first two weeks and oooh boy!

My face is glowing!

But then I thought maybe because I just have my filler treatments then (but mind you, that filler treatment is fucking worth it, woot woot!) and still I continue using it because, my treatments are not permanent and I have to maintain it and take care of my skin, even after the 6-months. I was supposed to have my next treatment after 12-months, but then I think I don’t need it yet – it face still looks glowing and awesome!

So I just rely on using my Restylane creams and Ohh Boy! I’m glad that I’ve found them. They are my new best friends now :D

My skin is a bit oily, and dust is my enemy (eeww!) It makes me easy to have pimples and sometimes acne! Surprisingly, when I started using Restylane skincare, I haven’t got issues with pimples.

Well except during my monthly period which is acceptable. LOL

But it heals faster, and has no deep blemish… sometimes it leaves darkening spots which could easily be removed by my other creams.

Restylane face creams are not oily not feel sticky on my face. It smells so fresh like cucumber and is very easy to apply. Some might not feel good about cucumber, but trust me this scent is tolerable.

Previously I had these early signs of wrinkles of crow’s feet, and after two weeks of using these cream, Ohh my, Restylane kicked out my crows-feet goodbye. It's amazing!

Restylane skincare review

The creams including the Restylane eye serum (15ml) that I’ve been using easily absorb my skin very well. With my eye serum, it minimizes my under-eye puffiness, the puffiness I’ve got from my Dad.

I just wish that Restylane could offer this day cream with much higher SPF let’s say 30 and above would be nicer!

Restylane skincare review

Restylane skincare review

I also use Restylane hand cream for both my hands, I started when I had a skinbooster treatment on both my handsfew months ago. And apparently, I’m loving this cream! It makes my hand look younger plus the effects of the skinbooster, and it kicked my hand dryness goodbye too!

Restylane skincare review

Having a young-looking hands are important, not just our faces and neck to make it more balance :D

Packaging is fine with me, comes in a classy white container, and not difficult to pump the creams out. It won't spill your creams because the cap is air-tight.

Restylane skincare review, cat meme

Restylane becomes very popular worldwide and I also read online that lots of celebrities swear on its awesome effects. I can’t blame them if they go gaga over Restylane.

Restylane skincare might be pricey for some including me! They range from US$45 to US$50 per bottle. It’s not available at your local beauty store nor even at your nearest beauty counters. Here in the Philippines, it is only distributed by Galderma Philippines, and with their affiliate aesthetic clinics, like the Skin101 clinics.

Oh, you can also check it via Amazon!

So if you would like to order or for further inquiries, you may email them at info.restylane.ph@gmail.com  for more professional answers to your inquiries.

Restylane skincare review

Restylane skincare is also becoming a hit here in Asia, gaining popularity in Malaysia, Taiwan, the Philippines, and of course Korea. Restylane is a Swedish brand, and all its skincare is made in Sweden.

I recommend you this product coz it really works!

Have you tried Restylane skincare? How does it work for you? Share your stories here!

Take care and Go Beautiful!

xoxo, Blair

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  1. Well, judging by your beautiful skin, I can tell it really works!

    1. Thank you Divya :D

      Eat healthy also helps me to look great!

  2. I'd never hear of this brand before! Good to know you've had such great results

    1. Thank you Nellwyn! I also thank Restylane for allowing me to try their products, and now I'm loving it :D

  3. I need ALL of these. Especially around my eyes. I always have dark circles around my eyes.

    1. Yup, it lightens and brightens my eye bags. Love it!

  4. Great to learn about these products. I just wonder, how to buy them if we want to. Are they available on Amazon?

    1. Hello Dear,

      Yes they are also available in Amazon or directly to Restylane :D

  5. Skins and beauty products are my thing. I always like knowing what is around in order to get more insights. Will check them out.

  6. I've never tried this brand. I do need to ensure I use something that will protect and heal my skin as I spend less time on skincare and more on other parts of life. Thank you for sharing. I will have to look into it!

    1. Thank you Meg!

      Yup, I'm also after taking care of my skin (coz I'm not getting younger), and less priority on makeups :D Go for good skin!

  7. I have been slacking majorly when it comes to a beauty routine. I've never had acne problems and take my skin for granted. As I approach my thirties I realize that I need to get something started so that my skin remains moisturized and bright.

    1. That's right Courtney :D

      Some ladies spends fortune on makeups... my case I prioritize something for my skin, aiming for a younger skin for my old age :D

  8. Thank you for sharing this! I am always looking for skin care as my skin is very sensitive.

  9. OOOO this whole line sounds fab!!! Must try

  10. Fun gifts! The packaging is super simple and nice!...How long does it take you to use all of these?

    Thuymi @ www.Adventurefaktory.com

    1. Hello Thuymi,

      Per bottle last me for more than 3-months, because you don't need to apply lots of it. And the creams are easy to spread on skin :D

  11. Have never heard about this brand and after reading your review, it sounds great! Thanks for sharing this post with us!

    1. Hello Ana,

      Thank you for visiting! Yup you can know more about Restylane through their official website :D

  12. I will definitely look out for this product. Your cat is so cute - mine are obsessed with boxes too.

    1. Thank you Dannii!

      Yeah and he's so naughty and smart... sometimes can't argue with him, hahaha

  13. You do have beautiful skin. I love how honest you are and candid.

  14. You have beautiful skin. I love reading about the products you use.

  15. Your skin looks amazing ! Have not heard about this product so will keep my eyes open if we have it in South Africa.Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hello Dear,

      Yeah maybe because these products are not available in beauty stores, only when you order straight from Restylane. Oh there is a Restylane in South Africa! It's one of their huge market :D

  16. Wow Blair your skin is positively glowing! It looks so flawless and smooth. Haha I think it's time to invest in some anti ageing and moisturising night creams - although i need to remember to actually apply them once they're bought! Need to start the good habits now before there is no time!

    1. Thank you Suan :D

      Yeah I'm investing more for my skin than makeups and clothing!

  17. i dnt just dnt believe in products like this. But am going to check this out.

    1. Hello dear, yup you should try it first hand, must better

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Looks like a great product! I like how you added the cat dialogues... made the post more interesting. I usually try home stuffs but no harm checking out this. :)

    1. Thank you Indrani, yeah he's adorable! Looking at his eyes when I asked these questions, he gave me those confusing stares, hahaha I love it!

  19. Insightful post, I've honestly never heard of this product! Will have to share with my mama, she would be game to try it.

  20. I odnt know this brand but I like the sound of this product. I need cream for my eyes and I love how your skin looks.

  21. Hey I'm all for anything that makes my skin glow! I'll have to check this out.

    1. Thank you dear! It is also available in Australia :D

  22. So I stumbled across this post, and I must admit, I am fairly certain I've never read a cosmetics post before. However, from the first sentence all I could think was, "I need to go wash my face!" But I wanted to read through and see if there is anything I am missing here. I do have some designer facial cleanse products, but I rarely use them. I think my major problem is the consistency of daily use. I've got to get better at that. Well, no time like the present.. I am off to wash! Thanks for the inspiration to make better choices!

    1. Hello Judson,

      Thank you for your wittiness! Yeah you are right, whatever we do if we ate consistent with it, we will definitely achieve that GLOW :D

  23. Your face really is glowing after using this cream D=... I also agree with you that time is the most precious commodity. One day we're here, the next we're gone..

    1. The Great Nature gave us this youth, and it is our responsibility to cultivate and maintain its glow and beauty :)

      _basically my mantra in life :)

  24. Interesting! I always thought Restylane is only a fillers brand. I didn't know that they have skincare too. I really wish I can try it too.

    1. Hello Olivia,

      Restylane skincare is considered a luxury line (yup a bit pricey, I didn't bother to ask the specific cost, lol) You may contact the nearest Restylane in your country for its availability.

  25. i am so excited over this after reading this and I do so want to try it out....

    1. Hello Miera, do check your favorite aesthetic clinics for the availability of Restylane skincare.

  26. I've not even heard of Restylane before but from your skin condition, I can tell that they are really must-have products! Now, let me go and search for them from local stores.

    1. Thank Emily! But you can't find it in beauty stores. I suggest you contact the aesthetic clinics that offers Restylane fillers and skinboosters because they also have it. They usually don't advertise it, and only prioritize their clients.

  27. Ya. We always say no time to do those, but even we got time, but we're so lazy. haha

    1. Hahaha yeah I'm also guilty with those attitude. But I need to remind myself - if I continue to become lazy, then I will be ugly.. that's my motivation :)

  28. Glad to see you so enjoying the creams hehehe. 😍😍😍 It makes me wanna try it too:)

  29. Have yet to hear of this brand but it certainly looks promising! Will check it out :)

    1. Thank you dear, and please do check to your nearest aesthetic clinics :)

  30. Thanks for the sharing, first time hearing this brand! Looks really good and by reading your post I feel that the products is really effective!

  31. So, that is your beauty secrets eh? Thanks for the recommendation (heading to Amazon to get the eye serum)

  32. Thanks for sharing this brand to me, will check it out.


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