#ProofIRL : Me, Restylane and the Triangle of Youth!

dermal fillers, Galderma Philippines, Restylane, restylane cost

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Have you heard about the so-called, “Triangle of Youth?”

I didn’t know this at first and I’m glad that our friends from Galderma Philippines discussed us about our triangle of youth, over an intimate dinner at Ogawa.
Last week, we had an intimate dinner together with some selected bloggers to introduce and discuss us about their newest beauty products. They introduced as the Restylane Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Fillers, Skinboosters, and the Restylane Skincare. I got so excited because I’ve personally tried having Restylane fillers on my chin, and really give me a beautiful and satisfying result. (wink)

 It is nice to have this kind of meetings because it gives me an opportunity to learn more about non-invasive treatments, and helps me to become more open-minded about the possibility of enhancing our natural beauty, without undergoing some serious cut-and-stitching. (cringed)

dermal fillers, Galderma Philippines, Restylane, restylane cost

Here’s Mr. Abelardo Yanuario, Sales and Marketing Manager of Aesthetic and Corrective Business – Galderma Philippines, sharing us some insightful benefits of Restylane.

So let’s go back to my previous question, “What is a Triangle of Youth?”

dermal fillers, Galderma Philippines, Restylane, restylane cost
 (photo from online, edited by me)

dermal fillers, Galderma Philippines, Restylane, restylane cost

The triangle of youth refers to the widest point of the face which, in a young face, is across the top of the cheeks. However, during the ageing process substantial changes to facial proportions occur and this triangle is reversed. Therefore the widest part of an aged face becomes the jaw line as the cheeks lose their plumpness and the fat pads and loose skin sag downwards, creating jowls.

dermal fillers, Galderma Philippines, Restylane, restylane cost

While Dr. Cu is explaining us the stages of ageing, I couldn’t help but also self-assess. I’m not getting younger, and if I just ignore these signs then I wouldn’t achieve my desired look when I reach my prime age. I have no goals to undergo surgeries of sort (no offence for those who does) but it’s just not my preference. Good thing there is now available way, to do some corrective procedures, just within our comfort-zone.


What is it? A gel that’s injected under the skin to plump out wrinkles. The new generation of temporary fillers are derived from hyaluronic acid or collagen, and gradually broken down and absorbed by the body. They don’t need allergy testing.

It is a sterile gel consisting of non-animal, cross-linked, hyaluronic acid (HA) and are made in a laboratory. HA is a natural sugar found in skin. They contain no human or animal DNA and have the best safety profile of all the fillers currently on the market. This product is FDA approved for use in the nasolabial fold and is used "off-label" in other areas.

Fillers give an immediate smoothing effect. Over time our expression lines can become etched into the skin, while other wrinkles form as collagen and elastin breaks down. Fillers are excellent for plumping up these permanent lines.

dermal fillers, Galderma Philippines, Restylane, restylane cost

So how this Restylane fillers could help us get our desired beauty?

The effect that rejuvenation specialists are trying to recreate can successfully be achieved with volumizing fillers such as Restylane Dermal Fillers. With Restylane it will give volume to the cheeks making the patient look younger and fresh-looking. Due to the lifting qualities of many volumizing fillers, which have a higher hyaluronic acid content, as well as plumping the cheeks, they also soften and help lift the lines and folds around the mouth. The benefits of volumizing fillers are thus, twofold.

dermal fillers, Galderma Philippines, Restylane, restylane cost

By addressing mid-face volume loss with volumizing fillers, the triangle of youth can reverts back. Due to the ageing process, the widest point migrates downwards to the jawline as the fat pads and skin begin to sag. By treating the mid-face region with volumizing fillers which also lift the skin, the triangle of youth can be reversed back to its optimum position.
I know that some of you are still skeptical about it. Gladly, Galderma Philippines generously show us a demo on how these treatments are being done.

dermal fillers, Galderma Philippines, Restylane, restylane cost

Our new friend Carlo is with us to try the Restylane fillers. He’s working in a marketing division and needs to be presentable at all times.

So before the treatment, the assistant needs to clean-out all the facial dirt and oils from his face.

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dermal fillers, Galderma Philippines, Restylane, restylane cost

After cleansing, the assistant applied some numbing cream to his cheeks and other parts of his face that needs treatment. The numbing cream stayed up to 10 to 15 minutes, then the creams will be clean-out in preparation of the actual treatment.

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dermal fillers, Galderma Philippines, Restylane, restylane cost

dermal fillers, Galderma Philippines, Restylane, restylane cost

dermal fillers, Galderma Philippines, Restylane, restylane cost

In this treatment, Dr. Cu will put some fillers for his both cheeks, and to hide some of his wrinkles.

… and during the procedure

dermal fillers, Galderma Philippines, Restylane, restylane cost

dermal fillers, Galderma Philippines, Restylane, restylane cost

dermal fillers, Galderma Philippines, Restylane, restylane cost
Having a slight numbness and redness after the treatment is just normal. It will disappear after 2 to 3 days.
What are fillers used to treat?
This depends somewhat on the filler, but the broad answer is lines and wrinkles. They can also be used to plump and define lips and fill hollow areas on the face. Here are some of the areas where they work best:
•lines from the nose to the mouth (nasolabial fold)
•lines from the mouth to the chin (melomental fold)
•lines above the upper lip
•frown lines
•in the lips for volume and definition
•to restore volume to cheekbones or cheeks
•in some situations, under the eyes
•to fill out the backs of the hands and make veins look less prominent

dermal fillers, Galderma Philippines, Restylane, restylane cost
Me and Carlo after his treatment, isn’t he looks fresh! This is also my photo 6 months after my first treatment wherein I had Restylane fillers to enhance my chin. It's been months and the fillers are still there!
How long will Restylane last?
Depending on the area treated, your skin, and the injection technique, Restylane will last 4 to 6 months.  In some cases duration of the effects can be a bit shorter or longer. To maintain your youthful look, it is advisable for a repeat treatments 1 to 4 times a year depending which filler, the area injected, and your own particular body chemistry. You should be given an estimate on this at your initial consult.
Also, though Restylane is FDA approved, it is not advisable for pregnant and lactating women, because it is not yet testing to some patients with similar condition.
After witnessing this demo (and the previous demo I’ve attended) I’m really convinced about the beauty being brought by Restylane. A very safe way of facial contouring, non-surgical enhancement, and no down-time.
I’ve witness the immediate "Proof in Real Life" and honestly I couldn’t wait to experience it too, and write my own share of stories, after my second treatment!
For more information about #Restylane and other #ProofIRL you may visit their website at www.proofirl.com/ph
Until our next chicas! xoxo, Blair

 For more beauty updates and any news about Restylane, follow me on Facebook and Instagram

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